What’s In a Name? Going Greysolon!
Have you heard the news?
Have you seen the new website?!
Did you catch the new name?!?
That’s right, Greysolon Ballroom has a new name- GREYSOLON.
Same great space, same great people, same great food. Same desire to get creative and find new ways to provide the same great experience!
Why did we Go “Greysolon”?
For so many reasons that we want to share!
Practically speaking, going Greysolon allows us to share the focus on both of our exquisite spaces- The Moorish Room AND The Ballroom.
We all know The Ballroom well, as it is undeniably the most elegant space in all of Duluth. Since 1925 when the Hotel Duluth was built, this space was and still is considered DULUTH’S BALLROOM. By going Greysolon, we can avoid the naturally occurring but undeserved after-thought of Duluth’s real hidden treasure- The Moorish Room. And we just don’t want to keep it a secret any longer!
The Moorish Room was the Hotel Duluth’s restaurant, with towering pillars, hand-painted murals, and a high ceiling with reverent bursts of golden arches. It is a gorgeous space for weddings and parties, seating up to 200 for dinner. And the best part is, with the hand-crafted wood bar right in the room, you won’t miss a thing. We love our Moorish Room so much that Black Woods invested to complete the space with new restrooms and a private getting ready room- The Chambers.
Check out our previous blog about Duluth’s Hidden Treasure here! https://www.greysolonballroom.com/2018/02/23/duluths-best-kept-secret/
Here’s another reason why we are going Greysolon. Have you heard the term “Full Plaza”?
It’s a thing! Some of our weddings and fundraisers just can’t decide between the two spaces, and go for both! Going Greysolon helps to bring everything under one umbrella. Silent auction/cocktail hour in one room, dinner and dancing in the other. And don’t forget about the Suite, Quarters, and West Wing Lounge….. exclusive access to Greysolon can be very tempting!!
Another reason why it felt so right to go Greysolon- It’s just less confusing. Our experienced operations team is consistently facilitating two weddings on the same day- now it will make more sense to your guests to say, “We’re getting married at Greysolon in the Moorish Room!”
Now, let’s talk about the new website, because it’s so exciting!
Like we said, it’s brand new. You’ll start out on the home page viewing some amazing drone shots of the area by Jasper Meddock Productions (and you will see just how close we are to our Lake Superior!).
Once you enter, you can see some great information for both the Moorish Room and The Ballroom, including photos, measurements, and views from different angles. The Gallery page is our favorite- these are real Greysolon couples and photographers that we love. This will give you a great idea of what Greysolon looks like with different style weddings, and how photographers can shoot it differently. And don’t forget to Meet the Team- these are the real humans behind the information, phone calls, emails, advice, and facilitation of your big day!
Go Greysolon with us! https://www.greysolonduluth.com
* Featured image by https://renderphotography.com/