
Greysolon Ballroom by Black Woods / Photography  / Valentine’s Countdown

Valentine’s Countdown

February is a LOVEly Month!

Get out your construction paper and scissors, stock up on your chocolate, and cue the Kenny G music- the countdown to Valentine’s Day is on! What a LOVEly time to focus on all types of love:  for family, friends, self, pets, and even strangers.  But especially, what a LOVEly time to focus on Romantic love.

Let’s talk about a Valentine’s Day Wedding…

What a LOVEly time of year to get married! In fact, our very own Sales Director, Jax, was married on Valentine’s Day in 1987.  To this day, her romantically-timed wedding reminds Greysolon Ballroom that not all dates are perfect for everyone, but there is a perfect date for anyone.  “I didn’t decide to have a Valentine’s wedding just because I am a hopeless romantic”, she smiles, “but we decided on a Valentine’s wedding because that was what worked for us, our families, and all of the activities that we love to do throughout the year.”

When you sit down to talk through wedding dates here at Greysolon Ballroom with Jax, she’ll lead you through the same process. “Think about celebrating your anniversary for years to come, and what will be going on during that time.”  Somewhere between hunting, fishing, skiing, and holidays, February 14th was the perfect fit for this couple and their lifestyle.

Plus, think of all the extra advantages of a Valentine wedding. It’s the perfect excuse to wear a red wedding dress with no questions whatsoever (you know you’ve thought about it!).  Your guests will be thanking you for giving them a date night, and even more so when they get to turn it into a romantic weekend- especially if your wedding is #destinationduluth style.  And, in this busy day and age, it’s hard to mess up the date if it’s combined with Valentine’s Day.

Don’t forget about our “Winter Weddings” Pinterest board,


If you love the idea of a Valentine’s Day wedding but it does not work for you, what the next best thing?

Let’s talk Valentine Proposals & Engagement Photos: What a LOVEly month to get engaged!

And there are so many fun things you can do with it.  If you’re at that stage of the relationship where your significant other is starting to expect it, then a Valentine’s proposal can be a lot of pressure- but can yield a lifetime of great memories and a story to tell for years!

Photo by Nina Francine Photography

Here are some do’s, don’ts, and great ideas we’ve come up with to help you pop the question:

Do try to make it a surprise by avoiding the obvious and planning the un-expected.
Don’t put the ring in something where they could swallow it or break a tooth. Avoid things like a champagne flute, chocolate cake, fortune cookie…
Great Idea- put the ring in their glove as they are getting ready to go out!

Do consider if your loved one would enjoy a public or a private proposal more.
Don’t fake something scary or sad.
Great Idea- Take them out for a Valentine’s Breakfast instead of a dinner, and have the barista write “Marry Me” in the latte foam!

Do ask the question because you both want to spend your lives together
Don’t ask the question because your family and friends are pressuring you.
Great Idea- go for a winter walk and take them to the place where you drew “Marry Me” in the snow!

Do let your close loved-ones know first, and
Don’t put it on social media until your inner circle knows.
Great Idea- write the question on the bottom of your sock while you’re hanging in for a movie night, and beg for a foot massage.

Do pay attention to what they have going on that day. Maybe the day they had to get up at 4:30am is not the right day to propose at 8:30pm.
Don’t write a script, but speak from the heart.
Great Idea– make it about the two of you and you can’t go wrong.

Check out our “Winter Proposal & Engagement” Pinterest board here:

Photo by Three Irish Girls Photography


We live and breathe this stuff and could talk about it in our sleep- we probably actually do that. At the end of the day, we believe that the most important part of a wedding is the marriage, and the most important part of your relationship are the individuals involved. So we’ve put together some additional ideas of what to do on Valentine’s Day if you’re not planning on getting married or getting engaged:

Throw a party! It doesn’t have to be a Valentine’s party, either. People long for excuses to hang out, so give them one.
Do that craft you’ve been longing to do.
Make breakfast for dinner, and then eat it in bed.   Just make sure your coffee is decaf…
Spend time in nature. Go for a hike, build a snowman or snow-fort, or have a winter bonfire. (If it sounds great but just isn’t possible, then watch something nature-related, like Planet Earth or a Netflix nature documentary, all while eating dinner off a picnic blanket in your living room.)
Volunteer. It can be both grounding and uplifting to focus on others.
Take a Class. Basket-weaving is actually super cool, and there are many things like this going on in Duluth!  Here are links to just a sneak peek of the life that is going on during this season:
Movie-marathon. When is the last time you watch Lord of the Rings or Pirates of the Caribbean
Get your tickets for the Father-Daughter, Mother-Son, and Mother-Daughter Dinner Dances!
Visit ­­­­­­­­­­­­­

Whatever you’re doing this Valentine’s Day, just have fun, for Love’s sake!

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