GREATEST DATES of 2021- and how to chose yours!
When choosing a date, take time to organize your priorities.
Some things you just have to have; other things you might like, but don’t necessarily need; and some things are a red flag “no”!
Remember that the things you knew you had to have when you were younger might not be your current style, so give yourself time to “play” with different ideas.
Dedicate an appropriate amount of time to thinking about each different style, scenario, date & place, even if you believe you’ll never chose it in the end. Let yourself really imagine the nooks and crannies of it, and write down what you like and don’t like. Then, review this information together and see where it takes you.
Were you surprised about anything?
When choosing the date, specifically, here are some things to consider:
Don’t get yourself set on a date before you know which dates the venue has available.
Consider the range/season before you narrow down to specific dates.
Within the range, here are some things to think about:
when would you like to celebrate your own anniversary in the future?
is weather a factor? And if so, which kind of weather would you rather deal with?
are there any large sporting events or hunting seasons during that time?
how does the date effect the price?
how does the date effect your VIP’s?
Perhaps there is an “off-season”.
But if there isn’t an “off-season” at the venue you want, will they bring down the price to “go sooner”?
We did just say that you should fall in love with the venue before the date-
but it’s still fun to play with dates, right!?
Here, we’ve listed out the “most fun to see and say” dates of 2021!
same forwards as backwards!
“two one two two one” – say that five times as fast as you can!
just so many lovely two’s…
And of course, the highly pursued “twenty one twenty one” repeat. It’s so fun!
There are only a handful of times that 21 lands on a “wedding weekend day” next year (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday)- but don’t worry, we’ve done weddings every day of the week!
Does that sound like a jazzy drum beat to anyone else?
“Three two one two one, three two one two one.”
And, our own favorite, the most fantastic wedding countdown of the century!
April 4th!
Because the date is
Four…Three…Two…One…! The moment and the day you’ve been waiting for!!! The ultimate countdown!
We still have fantastic dates available for 2021.
Get yours soon!
(But first, fall in love with each other, then fall in love with Greysolon.)
Contact us today at 218.722.7466
Featured Image by George Street Photo.